6 research outputs found

    Transformasie en die kerk die kerklike hantering van eietydse transformasie d.m.v. nywerheidsbediening

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    This study investigates the contemporary industrial, political and church transformation processes in order to indicate the existing defaults in the church's handling of change and to underline the important role of Industrial Ministry during transformation. The final findings inspired eventually the formulating of a work psychological model to support the church in the analysis and handling of the ongoing change within South Africa. The Practical Theology approach and the use of scientific research methods underlined the close relationship between the transformation processes which is accommodated as such. The Industrial transformation is a world phenomena resulting from the industrial striving for a new economical dispensation and the strategic advancement of globalisation. This international process established a new national industrial dispensation causing enormous socio-economic problems. Political transformation stimulated this process by accommodating the international political developments since World War II, the political advances on the African continent and the final establishing of a new democratic political dispensation within South-Africa. The church reacted on both these developments with the accommodating Ecumenical Theology and the structuring of an own contextual theological approach to assist the socio-political developments. The reaction of the church to the Industrial process ended in a striving for church renewal and the structuring of a new Industrial Ministry structure and policy. Both these church reactions indicated the need for a new Industrial Ministry model to direct the church during its future dealing with the ongoing transformation processes. The contents of existing international and the national Industrial Ministries were accommodated during the formulating of a new Industrial Ministry model with Word preaching and Christian counselling as the foundation of such a ministry. This was done to give a new dimension to Industrial Ministry and to assure a more workable church analysis of transformation. The final reflection on the findings of the study ended in a clear warning to the church to understand and to handle transformation properly or otherwise to suffer under some dire negative effects. OPSOMMING Hierdie studie ontleed die eietydse industriële, politieke en kerklike transformasieprosesse ten einde die kerklike hantering van hierdie eietydse gebeure sodanig te ontleed dat die kerklik-teologiese gebreke daarmee aangetoon en van daaruit die belangrike rol van Nywerheidsbediening tydens die kerklike hantering van transformasie duidelik sal word. Hierdie doelstelling lei eventueel tot die formulering van 'n Arbeidpsigologiese Nywerheidsbedieningsmodel waarmee die kerk transformasie beter kan ontleed, verstaan en hanteer. In die proses is die kerklike probleme tydens transformasie ontleed, 'n prakties- teologiese gerigtheid as 'n oplossing vir die bestaande knelpunte bepaal, die toepaslike wetenskaplike metodes vir die analisering van die transformasiegebeure omskryf en die noue relasie tussen die transformasieprosesse aanvaar. Die industriële transformasieprosesse is as 'n wêreldgebeure tipeer omdat die nywerheidsomgewing planmatig 'n nuwe ekonomiese wêreldbedeling d.m.v. strategiese globaliseringsprosesse vestig. Vanuit hierdie soort aktiwiteite realiseer 'n nuwe binnelandse nywerheidsbedeling wat ingrypende invloede op die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing uitoefen. Die politieke transformasieprosesse stimuleer die binnelandse veranderinge verder en wel omdat die politieke hantering van die internasionale politieke invloede sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, die politieke bevryding in Afrika en die bestaande Suid-Afrikaanse sosio-politieke probleme eventueel in 'n nuwe demokratiese politieke bestel uitkulmineer. Die kerk reageer op beide ontwikkelinge deur vanuit die Ekumeniese Teologie 'n eie Kontekstuele fokus te vestig waarmee politieke verandering in Suid-Afrika bevorder of teengestaan word. Naas hierdie politieke gerigtheid realiseer ook 'n fokus op die nywerheidsgebeure waartydens 'n kerklike vernuwingsproses en 'n nuwe kerklike Nywerheidsbedieningsbeleid uitkristaliseer. Vanuit laasgenoemde ontwikkel die behoefte na 'n beter Nywerheidsbedieningsmodel waarmee die kerk die voortgaande transformasieprosesse kan hanteer. Met die ontwerp van die Arbeidpsigologiese model is beide internasionale gebruike en die bestaande Nywerheidsbedieningstruktuur en beleid benut. Van daaruit is die nuwe bedieningsmodel as 'n Woordgebeure en 'n spesifieke pastoraat omskryf in 'n poging om 'n noodsaaklike nuwe dimensie aan die kerklik-teologiese hantering van eietydse transformasie te verleen. Aan die einde geskied 'n refleksie oor die bevindinge en volg enkele waarskuwings oor die negatiewe kerklike resultate wat vanuit 'n foutiewe kerklik-teologiese die hantering van die eietydse transformasieprosesse sal realiseer.Philosophy, Practical and Systematic TheologyDTH (PRACTICAL THEOLOGY

    Die kerklike stimulasie van eietydse transformasieprosesse, en die geleentheid wat dít aan nywerheidsbediening bied

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    The stimulation of the modern transformation processes by the church and the opportunity this presents to industrial mission The church had reacted to both political and industrial change. Localised theology was the answer to a restricted political dispensation, and the final result was the application of liberation theology. The Kairos Document, the Evangelical Witness, the Belhar Confession and Church and Society express the different churches’ viewpoints about the apartheid regime. This contextual focus on the same political dispensation unleashed church influence during the establishment of a national democratic dispensation. The different efforts to deal with industrial change by means of church renewal have finally paved the way for the development of a new industrial mission, vision and approach. This has resulted in the forming of an interchurch industrial organisation, and far-reaching possibilities within the industrial environment

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